News 2021 - 2022
Cuairt Dhaidí na Nollag – Santa’s Visit
Foireann Peile na Scoile – Our school Football team
Many thanks to Múinteoir Kevin Ó Ceallaigh who organised football training sessions after school each week this term.

Is breá linn léamh! We love reading!
Ghlac na Naíonáin páirt sa scéim Léim sa léitheoireacht an téarma seo. Ghlac Rang 1 agus 2 páirt sa bhfeachtas Literacy Lift Off. Comhghairdeas freisin le Ranganna 3-6 a ghlac páirt san MS Readathon. D’éirigh leo €992.50 a bhailú ar son MS Ireland. Maith sibh a pháistí!
Our Infant classes took part in our literacy initiative – Léim sa Léitheoireacht this term. First and Second classes took part in Literacy Lift Off. Congratulations to Third to Sixth classes who took part in the MS Readathon and raised €992.50 for MS Ireland. Well done all!
Maigh Cuilinn abú!
Comhghairdeas le buaiteoirí an chomórtais ealaíne a rith Cumann Iománaíochta Maigh Cuilinn. Bhí ríméad orainn fáilte a chur roimh ár n-iarscoláirí Caoimhín agus Colm a bhronn na duaiseanna agus iad ag réitiú do Chluiche Ceannais Idirmheánach an Chontae.
Congratulations to the winners of the Maigh Cuilinn Hurling Club art competition. We were delighted to welcome our past pupils Caoimhín and Colm who presented the prizes as they looked forward to the Intermediate County Final.
Oíche Shamhna - Halloween
Aifreann tús na bliana – Start of school year Mass
Athchóiriú ar an díon – Roof Renovation